SWASTIK HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE’ is a 50 bedded comprehensive multi-specialty private Hospital situated at convenient location in Narayan Vihar, Gopal Pura By Pass, Jaipur, Rajasthan. Swastik Hospital & Research Centre is a Joint dream of Dr. Brij Mohan Lal and Dr. Ajay Kumar is brought to reality by their efforts. The aim of establishing the Hospital was to provide comprehensive and excellent medical care in all specialties at affordable prices. All specialties and super Specialties are well established and functioning smoothly.A well-known Hospital Architect has designed the Hospital building. This Hospital in an architectural marvel with centrally cooled spacious and all ventilated wards, waiting space, OPD and Private Rooms. This Hospital is 50 Bedded with the latest medical & surgical facilities.
We have started ICU and Surgical Cardiac Care units to handle various types of medical and surgical emergencies at Swastik Hospital & Research Centre with in Year Approach.
The provider of multi-specialty Hospital is the intensive care unit and Swastik Hospital & Research Centre has fully equipped 7-Bedded ICU central monitors and all life saving equipments, looked after by staff nurses who are specially trained for ICU services. Post Graduate Senior Resident Doctors in Medicines are available in ICU round the clock.
“The Mission of Swastik Hospital & Research Centre is to provide quality patient care services and facilities for the community, to promote wellness, to relieve suffering, and to restore health as swiftly, safely, and humanely as it can be done, consistent with the best service we can give at the highest value for all concerned.”
To become the most reliable, compassionate, affordable health care provider, delivering the highest quality.
We at Swastik Hospital & Research Centre hold these values to be fundamental:
- People: We respect each person as a member of the hospital community. Involvement and teamwork determine our future.
- Service Excellence: We are committed to our standards of service excellence and dedicated to exceeding the expectations of those we serve.
- Responsibility: We accept personal accountability for the work we do.
- Quality: We consistently strive to provide the highest quality, safe patient care.
- Communication: We promote open communication that fosters partnership and enhances timely, effective and appropriate responses.
- Innovation: We are committed to a supportive environment that encourages new ideas and creativity.
- Safety: We are dedicated to creating the safest hospital for all.